英文:使用DiaStar Server與Asterisk建立視頻應用
Dialogic Presents on Video Applications for Asterisk Developers at AstriCon 2010
CTI論壇(ctiforum)10月13日消息(記者 潘婷婷):What: Dialogic will explore the growing opportunity video presents for Asterisk developers in two separate sessions, "Building Video Applications with Asterisk using the DiaStarTM Server," and "Using DiaStarTM to provide video, media and signaling functionality to Asterisk."
Why: Video represents new opportunities for telephony developers. As part of the EcoSystem Demo, Dialogic will explore how the DiaStarTM Server can enable telephony developers to build video applications for Asterisk in its session, "Building Video Applications with Asterisk using the DiaStarTM Server." During the session Dialogic will demonstrate how video applications, such as Interactive Voice and Video Response (IVVR) and video conferencing are created from the Asterisk dial plan. The session will also detail the challenges in creating video applications, such as transcoding and screen scaling.

As part of the Third Party Add-ons Session, Dialogic will present on "Using the DiaStarTM Server to provide video, media and signaling functionality to Asterisk." This session will explore how developers create video applications, such as video conferencing and IVVR, using the DiaStar Server with Asterisk from Dial Plan. Dialogic will also discuss how to access the CPA, Tone Detection and Advanced Signaling functions of the DiaStar Server. Delivering media to fixed and mobile devices will also be covered. It will explore the benefits of DiaStar Server functionality and provide real world use case examples.
Who: Antony Martin, the Director of Open Source Engineering for Dialogic Inc.
When: “Building Video Applications with Asterisk using the DiaStarTM Server”Tuesday, October 26, 2010 (ECO-06) 2:30 p.m.
“Using DiaStarTM to provide video, media and signaling functionality to Asterisk”Wednesday, October 27, 2010 (TP-04)1:45 p.m.
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center
201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor, Maryland 20745